Your chakras are the centers of your personal universe. Activate your chakras through connecting with the Goddess in meditation & breathing high vibrational light through your body.
All health emanates through the light
of your chakra centers.
In this course, and digital toolbox you will receive:
The course process is designed to be repeated for the deepest physical, mental & emotional healing. Experience a unique combination of hypnotic & meditative energy healing experiences, masterclasses & sacred discussions.
This course weaves together a supportive web of resources that results in a synergy of learning & healing. You will go through it once in order and then have access to a Chakra Activation digital toolbox that you can use forever to repeat this process in your personal and/or professional practice.
11 Week Course
Time Investment: 3 hours a week
What is included:
Activate your root chakra, or Muladhara and open to the clarity, wisdom and healing of the crystalline frequencies of the light of the Ruby Ray.
Flow is a quality of the light. When we are in flow, we are in alignment with the light.
Sometimes parts of the flow can be uncomfortable or even painful, but if you trust the flow and follow your intuition - you can trust where you are led. When we practice flowing with specific rays of light, we open to becoming stronger conduits for the light.
Activate your Svadhisthana, your sacral chakra to the second Ray of light. Svadhisthana is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into ’one's own abode’. The root 'svad' also has another meaning, it translates into 'to taste with pleasure', 'to enjoy' or 'take delight'.
It is rooted in the element of water. It is this energy that helps you to move in the world. This movement of thoughts, emotions and your physical body fuels your ability to balance, renew and produce anything in your life. It is the source of balance between the feminine and the masculine, spirit and matter, light and darkness and self and other.
Activate your Manipura, your Solar Plexus to the third Ray of light. Manipura is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'lustrous gem’.
It is rooted in the element of fire. Within the Manipura the element of fire ignites the light of consciousness. The element of fire transforms the passive elements of earth and water and creates a dynamic energy that shapes our lives. Fire moves upward: it feeds off of fuel and creates light, but also destroys all form with it's flames. It is this energy that helps you to move your will into action, create new behaviors and habits and break old patterns.
Activate your Anahata, your Heart Chakra to the fourth Ray of light.
Anahata is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'unstruck'. When your Anahata is unstruck by life's heartaches, when it is pure and in love with the glory of the holy spirit, it is in it's highest vibration.
The Anahata radiates an emerald green color and is rooted in the element of air. Air is the least dense of all elements. The element of air also pervades all other elements. Think of how when you walk through a forest, the green leaves surround you and you feel like you can breath deeper...
The essence of unconditional love in this way is also pervasive, when you are in love you breathe in more of life. Pure love is a clear spinning Anahata, which radiates peace and balance out to all your other chakras and out into your world.
Activate your Vishuddha, your Throat Chakra to the Fifth Ray of light. The Vishuddha is the fifth chakra, or throat chakra. Vishuddha is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'pure'. When your Vishuddha is pure in sound and vibration it is in it's highest form.
The Vishuddha is our center of communication, it a bridge between our hearts and our intellect, and where truth is expressed. It is also the doorway to the spirit world.
Vishuddha is rooted in the element of spirit, also called ether or akasha. The element ether represents a world of vibrations. Sound and rhythm weave together the fabric of existence.
Activate your Ajna, your Third Eye Chakra to the sixth Ray of light.
The Ajna is the sixth chakra, the third eye chakra. Ajna is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into 'to perceive, to command'.
To command is to creatively visualize and in turn create your reality. When your Ajna is perceiving clearly and commanding reality clearly it is in it's highest form.
Activate your Sahasrara, your Seventh Chakra to the seventh Ray of light.
Your Sahasrara is your seventh chakra, your crown chakra.
Sahasrara is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into ‘thousandfold’. It is called ‘the void’ and the pure dwelling place. It is known as the home of the luminous soul, ‘chitta’ in Sanskrit.
Chitta is the unconscious mind, the presence of consciousness & the essence of being. Your Sahasrara is located on the top of the head, and governs all cerebral functioning. It radiates a golden violet white light.
Activate your Earthstar Chakra and activate your connection to the Earth Stargate.
The Earth Star Chakra grounds your physical body into your etheric body and down into mother earth herself. to be able to participate fully in the present reality.
Your Earth Star is a transpersonal chakra, that means it is connected to the consciousness of humanity and through our connection with it and activation of it, we come into greater awareness of our purpose on Earth in service to humanity.
Through the EarthStar, you connect to the Earth Star Gate, which is a portal that leads you through the divine presence within the Earth into the divine presence within the cosmos, and back again into greater union with the divine presence within yourself. Through the Earthstar, you feel the depth of your connection with the Earth, through the Earth StarGate, you experience the unity with our Earth and our Cosmos and your own being.
A message from your instructor...
I am happy you have found this course! Chakra healing has been a big part of my life's work. Your entire energetic body will be transformed by this experience. I designed this course and the next course in this series, Chakra Activation 102 to lead you through a full activation of each of your physical and transpersonal chakras. This is process is part of a necessary step in the activation of your Merkaba. I was led to study and train in DNA Activation, which together with these chakra activations, leads to the full activation of your Merkaba field. It has changed my life, my healing practice and how I now work with the chakras centers for healing in my own professional practice over the past decade.
From beginner, to practitioner, to master, Chakra Activation & Attunement is a healing modality that will strengthen and activate your chakra centers. It gives you a clear path to follow if you have never done this work before. If you are an experienced practitioner, you will receive tools to deepen your practice and work with the seven sacred Rays of light. In this way, this experience is not designed to be a one-and-done. You have lifetime access so that you can make this a regular part of your healing routine, it is a practice you can return to over and over again, and it will continue to help you fine-tune the energetic frequency of your chakra centers.
This course also teaches you a process that you can lead others through. You have access to all of the healing experiences and masterclasses to share with your own clients and community.
Most of the healing work we do is invisible. It is therefore invaluable to meet with others and begin to develop a language about the experiences you are having. As you share with others and listen to the experiences of others, it deepens your experience in your own healing.
Each month we meet virtually for group coaching calls to learn ongoing practical strategies to help you in the activation and attunement of each of your chakra centers. In person experiences are encouraged, not required. All coaching is recorded and available to watch on-demand.
Think of me and this 'course' as here to support you in your healing practice. This is not just a course, it gives you access to a toolbox of audio, video and PDF resources that you can use forever with the process you are taught or in another creative way in your personal and/or professional practice. All students have lifetime access and annual updates of all course resources within a digital toolbox.
I am honored to share all of this with you, it represents an evolution of my life's work. I truly hope that it activates within you the light that is here to assist you in your ascension into the next place in your own life.
I am with you in Spirit!
This course is included in all of our
Integrative Healing Programs
You can enroll in one course at a time, or in a full program.
TEXT US: Monday - Saturday 9 am. - 6 pm. PST.
Student Text Support: 626.244.7977
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Pleiadian Institute is a branch of Indigo International, a holistic health & education organization.
411 East Huntington Drive, Ste 101-1107, Arcadia, CA 91006