Begin Training This Spring
Register Early through March 4th.
Register now, log into your program portal, receive your Healing Kit and prepare to begin!
This certification program includes 7 courses and a 6-month practicum that teaches you the systems to build a sustainable healing practice. Graduation results in a Certificate in DNA Activation & Attunement.
Registration Options
Select ONE of the options to register:
1. Full Tuition Payment
2. Tuition Payment Plan
3. Financial Aid Application
Our admissions team will reach out to you via email within 24-48 hours during our office hours Monday - Saturday 9 am. - 6 pm.
When you pay your full tuition in a single payment there are no administrative fees.
In addition to this, every student that pays full tuition receives a complementary year of Student Health Benefits.
This is a $468 credit to receive additional holistic tele-health treatments while you move through your program of study.
When you pay in 13 payments, there is a 5% payment plan administrative fee* added into the payment plan.
When you pay in 26 payments, there is a 23% payment plan administrative fee* added into the payment plan.
Scholarships and Grants are both merit-based and need-based and they significantly lower the cost of monthly tuition payments.
*Why an administrative fee?
Administrative fees are only charged if you register for a tuition payment plan. We do not charge late fees, account set up fees or account servicing fees for payment plans. Once you are enrolled with a payment plan, this fee pays for all of the services that we provide you.
Unlike most schools, your tuition payments do not affect your enrollment status. If you cannot make a tuition payment, you do not lose access to your program or lose student benefits. We provide the option of tuition deferment if you experience a financial hardship that impacts your ability to pay your tuition.
This is due to our policy of radical inclusion. All students who are active and enrolled are never turned away due to an inability to pay.
Pleiadian Institute is supported by Indigo Health Foundation. We offer a full spectrum of financial aid services to students including scholarships, grants and a workstudy program. You can apply for this support now. This support is also open to you on an ongoing basis once you are enrolled if your life circumstances change over the course of your enrollment.
“I met a new spiritual guide, my main spirit guide. She's teaching me to let go of what doesn't benefit me.
Having the feeling of peace and just floating was very healing for me.
It's hard to describe."
Yorktown, Indiana
"[I’ve had] the deep and profound realisation that... my own healing journey is still unfolding and that I now have to become the embodiment of a healer by truly committing to healing myself, in all areas of my life. That detoxification is necessary and that connecting with nature and moving my body every day are imperative if I want to reach my goals and truly embody the healer archetype with the highest integrity and authenticity."
North Somerset, United Kingdom
"The Golden Orb of light was essential for me as well this week, the ability to feel the divine light in this physical vessel truly helps in transcending some of these limiting beliefs that kept appearing before me.
I was able to see and understand that I am not my situation, but the experiencer of it, therefore I am fully capable of healing these feelings of lack through my inner reflection. Although I can't control all things physically, I have full control of my reactions to any limitations or setbacks.'"
Germantown, Wisconsin
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We are a non-profit and non-denominational holistic health & education organization.