Holistic Business Practicum


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Foundations of Transcendent Business Practices

Business and marketing systems, marketing materials, time and energy management.

Healing & Coaching Practicum

Lead clients through a six month healing or coaching program. 

Teaching & Speaking Practicum

 Tools and practical skills to teach and speak locally or online in mainstream environments.

Writing & Publishing Research

An introduction to the field of scientific research, publishing journal articles, ebooks and print books.

Learn Then Do Method

This 6 month practicum experience includes systems to begin healing, coaching, teaching, speaking, writing & publishing.

Learn blueprints that you can use to integrate holistic healing modalities into an existing career or to begin a new practice. Our unique program provides you with the systems and blueprints and requires accountability as you work with a mentor to implement a practicum project to launch you into the next stage of your career. Gain practical advice and actionable guidance to help you build & implement a transcendent foundation and set of systems for your professional work you do in the world!

With support anything is possible. 









Learn & Implement Business Blueprints

In 6 months, learn proven business systems & practices. Learn by doing as you begin & expand your healing business. Learn about the tools and techniques that support effective systems, and create a plan for implementation.


  • Healing & Coaching Treatment Programs
  • Speaking & Teaching Scripts & Curriculum
  • Writing & Publishing Research Outlines
  • Accounting
  • Automating Business Systems
  • Communication & Marketing

Vision, Design and Test Your Business Model

Your business model is a succient vision that you can present to collaborators, investors and customers that demonstrates the experience you provide to your clients and customers. This is a crucial stage in your long-term success. Define and refine your mission, vision and business strategy and develop key business models and a strategic plan.

Business Model Design:

  • Create Mission, Vision & Strategy Statements to guide your operations
  • Create Business Model Canvas
  • Develop a Strategic Plan Outline

Measure, Monitor & Communicate Impact

When you measure impact, you operate from the most sustainable place in business. Learn about key performance indicators and how to identify, measure and monitor them.

Measuring Impact:

  • Research & Develop an Organizational Health Plan
  • Learn About Organizational Efficiency & Implement Practices to Support Your Workflows
  • Data Collection
  • Processes to Track Treatment & Performance Outcomes

Create an Operational Plan

Learn how to plan and organize resources for effective and efficient operations. Create a process for execution of operational plan. You do not need to be serving clients in a one-on-one setting, this process will serve you in any business model you are developing.

Structure leads to Success

  • Research Blueprints from Successful Businesses
  • Create an Operational Plan for your Business
  • Create Project Based Workflow to Execute your Operational Plan

Financial Strategy & Fundraising

Learn basic financial concepts and statements. Create a strategic financial plan for zero revenue to $3,000 - $15,000 monthly revenue. Learn how to scale a small business with a team up to $10,000 a month in profit after expenses. Learn how to harness fundraising for both for-profit and non-profit ventures.

Financial Statements

  • Develop Cash Flow Statements
  • Develop a Profit & Loss Statement
  • Step into Financial Leadership through Analysis of Statements & Informed Decision Making

Branding and Venture Storytelling

Learn strategies and create a plan to build a strong brand. By using a mixed media, learn how to attract, and convert through storytelling. Learn how to engage customers, donors, partners, volunteers and board members.

Stepping Into the Vision

  • Learn Mixed Media Tools to Paint the Picture of Your Vision
  • Define and Redfine your Brand & Venture(s)
  • Implement Storytelling Process to Execute Your Brand Vision
  • Learn Attracting Marketing Strategies and Implement a Automated Marketing Workflow.

Real Life Practice & Support

Your presence on this Earth is a gift. Your unique gifts and perspectives about healing are needed. When you see and deeply value your own role in your business you attract others who see that value in you.

Get practical support to generate awareness & attract your target audience. Confidence comes with diligent practice overtime. You will practice and have support in collecting and evaluating data to inform your decision making and product and service development.


  • Meet with your Mentor Bi-weekly
  • Work Practically with your Vision, Mission & Strategy to integrate them practically into your daily habits in your work
  • Develop an process to maintain accountability in your career development and business process

Are you ready?

Think of us as your partner. We are here to provide structure & hold your hand through the process. After this practicum is complete, you have eternal access to our supportive community that gives you someone to be accountable to as you continue to build and execute on the vision for your future.

In the Words of Our Students...

'I feel I grew in my ability to trust. During my student success call it dawned on me that I was truly being mentored, not judged or graded. It was an incredible revelation for me and opened my heart to better accept concepts presented. I felt an overwhelming peace and joy.' —

Sarah - Dallas, Texas

"The certification program is superb! Two classes into it and I was already rethinking and retooling things the I had in place on my website. The best part of the program is that it gave me a reliable framework I can use to further promote my business and help my clients be successful.'

Carlos - British Columbia, Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

Is This Program Right For Me?

This program is designed for people who are practicing healing arts and are beginning or expanding a business. This program provides support and mentorship to help you structure your business to consistently and reliably bring in revenue in a way that feels good. It’s especially useful for healing practitioners launching a new healing arts practice or business, or improving the performance of an existing one. It also increases visibility and credibility of a healing arts business to attract and serve more clients.

Do I Need To Be A Pleiadian Institute Student To Register For This Practicum?

No. You need not be a Pleiadian Institute student to move through this practicum. The Holistic Business Practicum will teach you about a reliable framework and methodologies to grow your business and meet your goals.

This practicum is included in all of our certification programs. If you register for one of our certification programs, the last 6 months of your program you will move through the Holistic Business Practicum. If you are enrolled in a certification program, this practicum is included in your tuition, you do not need to enroll separately and there are no additional costs.

How Much Does The Practicum Cost?

If you are not enrolled in one of our certification programs, you can register for this practicum for a onetime tuition payment of $1,777 or as a tuition payment plan of $322 for 6 months. This price includes all the components listed above. It also gets you online lifespan access to practicum portal and bi-weekly mentoring to help you to implement and execute the blueprints you create

There is no cost for this practicum for Pleiadian Institute students enrolled in a certification program..

Is There A Refund Policy?

Yes. If you’re not satisfied with the practicum you can withdraw in the first four weeks and receive a refund. Click register now to view our full withdrawal policy.

Students who follow along with the practicum, go through all the materials and actively take part in the mentoring are more successful.

How Long Do I Have To Complete the Practicum?

You can take as much time as you need to complete the practicum. It is self-led and there’s absolutely no fixed schedule, time limit or deadline on coursework completion. We do, however, suggest you establish a consistent weekly schedule of 2-3 hours for watching the lesson videos and completing the materials.

What If I Have Questions Or Need Support?

Once enrolled you move through an Orientation process that provides you with all of the resources you will need for support. You are assigned a mentor once you register and you will meet with this mentor bi-weekly as you move through the practicum. You will receive information from us on how best to contact us via email for questions about the coursework, or our technical support team for any system (online access or performance) issues. You will also be able to submit and ask questions during the live weekly office hours sessions.

Are you ready?

Begin building your business systems.