USUI Reiki Master Training

Train to be an USUI Reiki Master

Reiki is the Japanese phrase for “universal life energy,” or in Hawayo Takata’s words, “God- power.” Reiki – universal life energy – is channeled through the practitioner’s hands for self-treatment or treatment of others. 

USUI Reiki is a hands-on healing practice that enhances health and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It develops mental clarity, expands consciousness, improves your ability to visualize, creates inner peace and can be used to promote world peace.

Begin Registration

"Each and every being has an innate ability to heal as a gift from the gods." -Mikao USUI

This unique 2-year training program provides you with a path and training to become a USUI Reiki Master and support to set yourself up as a professional:

  • USUI Reiki I
  • USUI Reiki II
  • USUI Reiki III
  • USUI Reiki Master

The first 18 months of your program you train in USUI Reiki.

A strong practice is built upon a deep & comprehensive healing model.

Train in USUI Reiki I/II


  • What is Reiki?
  • A Brief History
  • The Reiki Principles
  • How Reiki Heals
  • How to Use Reiki Hand Positions
  • Japanese Reiki Techniques
  • Chakra Activation
  • Working with Negative Energy


  • Distance Healings
  • Scanning Techniques
  • Working with Symbols
  • Introduction to Attunements
  • Cleansing, Grounding and Protection
  • Developing Your Reiki Practice
  • Reiki in Hospitals
  • Reiki Licensing

Become an USUI Reiki MASTER

In your first six months you work deep in healing. We explore USUI Reiki through technique and relationship to vibration and light. You receive your first two Reiki attunements, activate your chakra centers & fine-tune your ability to hear and communicate through your subtle energy field.

  • Reiki Moving Meditation
  • Advanced Reiki Meditation
  • The Reiki Crystal Grid
  • Aura Clearing
  • The Reiki Symbols
  • Antahkarana Healing Symbols
  • Violet Breath Healing Attunement
  • Usui Reiki Attunements
  • Teaching Guidelines
  • Legal Issues for Reiki Practitioners

Resources to Support Your Professional Work

Experience Telehealth Attunements

Meet virtually individually & in small in-person groups for 4 telehealth attunements.


Our virtual coaching program supports you in creating and maintaining a high vibrational state of energetic health. Meet in person or watch on-demand.

Workshops & Retreats

We encourage every student to attend our online workshops & retreats. Coming together in person creates a container for transformation. All workshops are free for Pleiadian Institute Students. Our retreats are a time for experiential practice and in-person attunements. 

Tools You Can Use Forever

Healing Altar Kit

Whether you have a lot of space or a tiny apartment, learn how to create & use a healing altar.

Our Healing Altar Kits include high vibrational crystals are ethically sourced for healing practitioners. You intuitively select the crystals for your kit & use your healing altar throughout your training program.

Digital Toolbox

The USUI Reiki Program Portal provides you with 50+ hypnotic meditative energy healing experiences to support your Reiki practice, video training, programs that support maintaining a daily meditation practice and more!

You have lifetime access & as a graduate you have license to use all resources in your own professional practice. The Program Portal is more like a superportal, it includes 150+ individual portals, organized by topics for you to reference in your professional practice!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located and do I have to attend classes in person?

We are located in the foothillls of the San Gabriel Mountains, about 30 minutes north of Los Angeles. You do not have to attend in person classes. However, we do have retreats that happen multiple times a year that we encourage you to attend. The retreats are aligned with our curriculum and give you an opportunity to practice in person and receive the healing attunement's in person. We also have retreat grants that are available for new students that provide you with financial support to attend the retreats while travel still has so many regulations and potentially unexpected pandemic-related issues. 

Explore Retreats >

What's the time commitment?

We recommend you dedicate at least 7-10 hours a week to healing, reading and participation.

All programs are delivered through healing experiences that are on MP3, masterclasses that are recorded and you can watch on-demand. There are no set times to watch the videos or complete your coursework. You will have a weekly schedule to follow with reading, masterclasses and healing experiences and you will be encouraged to complete all coursework weekly. However, you can get it done anytime of the week that is best for you.

Is there one-on-one support?


You are encouraged to schedule monthly one-on-one coaching calls as part of our Practitioner in Training program. We work with students in all different time zones so we have early morning appointments late night appointments, appointments that are during the week and on the weekend.

All of our programs also include live healing treatments with a trained practitioner in our telehealth clinic. Those are also appointments that you may make on your own time and you're able to attend them at a time that best suits you.

We have live group coaching and book talk livesteams that occur on a schedule each month You have the option to attend live, but it is not a requirement to attend live. All group coaching and livestreams are recorded so that you can tune in on-demand any time after the live meetings takes place.

Is this affordable & is there financial support?


You can break your tuition up into affordable monthly payments starting at $79.

All Pleiadian Institute programs are supported by Indigo Health Foundation. A primary goal of the Indigo Health Foundation is to provide financial resources to professionals seeking to advance their career in holistic health.

If you need more financial support, we have a spectrum of services to support students who need help paying tuition. Our financial aid program provides grants & scholarships based on both need and merit and a workstudy program for students who cannot afford to pay any tuition. Our workstudy program provides an opportunity to work with us and earn credit towards your tuition.

Apply for Financial Aid >

Explore Workstudy >

About your Reiki Master

Aimee is a USUI Reiki Master. She works professionally as a holistic therapist, meditation artist & educator. She is the founder & executive director of Indigo International and Pleiadian Institute. She is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and has been trained in Integrated Energy Therapy, Angel Therapy & Crystal Healing. 

Aimee has relished in the creation of a successful holistic private practice for the past decade. She has helped hundreds of people heal from the inside out using the foundational practices of USUI Reiki.

Aimee taught history and health in middle and high schools in Massachusetts, Florida, and California. For the first decade of her professional life, she was a National Board Certified Teacher and was recognized as a Who’s Who of America’s Teachers. She has completed extensive graduate-level educational research, she holds a Master’s Degree in Education from NOVA Southeastern University and has completed Master’s coursework in Mental Health Counseling at NOVA Southeastern University, Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute and Public Health at Walden University.

She is currently working to demonstrate the effectiveness of energy healing practices through the development of an evidence based scientific research program.

Connect with Aimee on LinkedIn or Instagram. You can find Aimee’s meditations on SoundcloudSpotifyAmazon and Itunes.

The Time is Now.

It is time to be the change we want to see.

When you become an USUI Reiki Master, you can practice BOTH healing & teaching. One day in the future, Reiki practitioners will outnumber doctors. We are part of the next wave of healthcare.

The most beautiful part of this program is the people in it are all committed to change. It feels GREAT to connect with people who are answering the call to build a professional healing practice.