Master Energy Healer Certification

Course &

Practicum Overview

This certification program includes 22 courses AND the Holistic Business Practicum.

Each course includes a unique combination of video masterclasses, hypnotic & meditative energy healing experiences, reading, livestreams, interactive discussions, coaching, mentoring and a supportive series of practicums that allow for an in-depth synthesis of learning. 

In the final 7 months of the program you enter the Holistic Business Practicum; here you complete your training with a daily plan for implementation of action steps to build your healing practice.

Train in Integrative Energy Healing.

Your true genius as a healer is awakened in the EXPERIENCE of healing itself. This program will stoke the fire within and will train, prepare & support you in your professional work. 

Integrative Energy Healing weaves together evidence-based training in multiple energy healing modalities, crystal healing, spiritual intuitive healing and a preventative holistic health research model.

Our healing model leads you through daily practices to maintain a peak state of energetic health. The strength of this program is in it’s depth and in the comprehensive nature of the systems we weave together.

This is more than training in specific modalities. You train in how to lead clients and groups through spiritual journeys utilizing energy healing as a tool that integrates with other tools for self-realization.

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In your first year you experience energy healing programs and treatments and work deep in healing. You explore healing through vibration and light. You awaken your crystalline lightbody and chakra centers & fine-tune your ability to hear and communicate through your subtle energy field.

Energy Healing 101

8 Weeks

Cleanse, purge, and strengthen your auric field in this comprehensive course. Participate though healing and learning experientially about the power of your energy field and it's potential for healing.

This 8 week comprehensive course is also a healing program that you can return to over and over to detoxify your energy field. Cleanse your chakras, work with the violet flame and practice multidimensional healing for mental & emotional strength & clarity. Gain a thorough understanding of the purpose of evidence-based practices in holistic health and learn strategies for integrating evidence-based practices into your personal & professional healing work.

Indigenous Healing 101: Healers of the Past

8 Weeks

To know where we are going, we must know where we have been.

Indigenous healers and shamans have used crystals to bring health to people for thousands of years. Learn how ancient civilizations like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Egypt and indigenous shamans harnessed the power of crystals to enhance their relationships with God, each other and Mother Earth. Healers of the Past 101 is designed to provide you with an overview of the recorded practices and principles of Indigenous Healers over the past 100,000 years on Earth.

Reiki I/II

4 Weeks

This comprehensive course covers both Reiki I and Reiki II, providing a solid grounding in the principles of Reiki energy, hand positions, and techniques for channeling healing energy to yourself and others. You will learn about the history and philosophy of Reiki, the seven chakras, and practical methods for relieving stress, promoting relaxation, and addressing physical and emotional issues.

In addition to hands-on practice with Reiki I techniques, such as self-healing and in-person healing for others, the course will delve into the advanced concepts of Reiki II. This includes the use of sacred symbols and mantras to enhance your healing capabilities, perform distant healing, and work on deeper emotional and spiritual layers. By the end of the course, you will have the tools and confidence to apply Reiki in various contexts, facilitating healing and balance for yourself and those around you while laying the foundation for further exploration in your Reiki journey.


2 Weeks

Usui Reiki III is final level of the traditional Usui Reiki training, where you will embark on a profound journey into advanced Reiki techniques and mastery.

You will learn advanced healing methods, including the use of advanced symbols and techniques for distant and multi-dimensional healing.

In addition to mastering these advanced techniques, this Course will focus on preparing you for the role of the Reiki Master.

USUI Reiki Master/EFT

4 Weeks

Prepare to teach and attune others to Reiki. By the end of the course, you will integrate advanced healing practices into your work, and will have need to complete training as a Reiki Master. You will train in Antahkarana Healing, Aura Clearing and the Violet Breath. You will receive the USUI Reiki Master symbols and receive an USUI Reiki Master Attunement.

This course also includes training in Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT Theory & Science, EFT Techniques, Advanced EFT Techniques, EFT Individual and Group Healing Practice. This course culminates in a USUI Reiki Master certificate and an EFT certificate.

Energy Healing through Chakras & the Rays 101

7 Weeks

All health emanates through the light of our chakra centers. When you focus upon our chakras in our crystal healing practice it helps us to direct energy and light.

You will experience and learn an intensive Chakra Activation & Attunement process. You will learn how to use crystals with the chakras and meridians that exist in the physical body. This course introduces you, through the experience of an energy healing process of activation and attunement to the divine rays of light at each of your chakra centers. It provides you with a roadmap for understanding color therapy and the spiritual purpose and application of the Seven Sacred Rays of Light. It is a process that you can return to over and over.


In your second year you learn how to integrate energy healing treatments and experiences with crystals, your intuition & Spirit in integrative treatments. You train in Integrative Crystal Therapy & Integrative Spiritual Therapy.

Transpersonal Chakras & the Rays 

7 Weeks

Your transpersonal chakras begin within your etheric body. Your etheric body is the layer of your aura in closest contact with your physical body. Your etheric body is a system of energy made up of interlocking and circulating flows of energy that are anchored by each of your chakras. Your physical body mirrors your etheric body and the atoms of your physical body are held together by your etheric body. Your etheric body both surrounds and permeates every part of your physical body. Each progressive layer exists in ever increasing octaves of frequency. Chakras connect the layers of your subtle body. Energy is transmitted from one layer to the next through the chakras. 

You will experience and learn an intensive Chakra Activation & Attunement process for your transpersonal chakras. You will learn how to use crystals with the transpersonal chakras. This course provides you with a roadmap for understanding the spiritual purpose and application of the Seven Sacred Rays of Light expressed through your transpersonal chakras.

Intuitive Development 101

8 Weeks

Spirit is energy, Your intuition is energy. The process of refining your spiritual and intuitive gifts involves tuning into and understanding the different fields of energy that we operate within as human beings.

Develop your intuition through practice and explore the practices that form the foundation for healthy intuitive work. Learn how to qualitatively define the realms of the unseen world and in depth practices including clearing, protection, whole food healing, grounding, mindful meditation, automatic writing, and working with crystal and plant medicine.

This course is designed to help you both understand and experience the essential practices and principles at the core of Intuitive Development.

Spiritual Relationships 101 

7 weeks

Every relationship is one with spirit and every relationship is ultimately a relationship with yourself.

Learn how to work with elemental spirits including fairies and unicorns, animal spirit guides, deceased loved ones, ascended masters, the Goddess, Guardian Angels and Archangels, light beings from other dimensions and energy of our cosmos in the zodiac.

This course is designed to help you both understand and experience the essential practices and principles at the core of Intuitive Development.

Crystal Healing 101: Geophysical & Metaphysical Properties 

8 Weeks

Crystals heal energetically. The place that the crystal came from within the earth, as well as the physical location and direction of the healing practices employed are influenced by geophysical properties.

Understand how to use specific crystals to bring balance and harmony in your physical body. Explore the scientific theories and research that support our understanding of how crystals heal.

Gain an awareness of the history of crystal healing & the healing properties of crystals and minerals. Through a unique combination of in depth masterclasses, hypnotic & meditative energy healing experiences & interactive discussions this course presents you with a model to study all 300+ major gemstones on Earth, by chakra center.

DNA Activation 101

11 Weeks

Your breath carries the light and your attention is the driver. This course leads you through a process to prepare for the full activation of your DNA.

This happens simultaneously as you prepare for the full activation of your lightbody & Merkaba field. You will expand your awareness of your subtle energy field. This experience will take place as you gain a comprehensive understanding of the DNA Activation & Attunement process, epigenetics and the potential of DNA for healing.

DNA Activation 102

11 Weeks

Prepare for a complete activation of your lightbody through breathing high vibrational crystalline frequencies of light through your body.

Expand your awareness of your subtle energy field including your etheric body, mental body & emotional body. Deepen your understanding of your transpersonal chakra centers, the purpose of the light in healing, and the healing journey your soul moves through. Learn an evidence-based model and examine case studies of DNA Activations in a therapeutic setting.

Energy of Human Physiology 101

8 Weeks

Learn a process through sacred experience to connect to the energetic centers of each of your major body systems through alignment with divine rays of light. Understand the major physical & energetic body systems and how they work together to maintain health within the body. The Energy of Human Physiology course presents you with a model to study all systems of the body, within an energetic framework.


In your third year you begin to develop integrative treatments through Integrative Energy Therapy. You learn Transpersonal Psychology and Applied Transpersonal Research that provide you with a language to communicate about your practice. Finally, you complete training as an USUI Reiki Master.

Merkaba Activation 101

14 Weeks

Prepare for the full expansion of your Merkaba Vehicle of Light through breathing high vibrational crystalline frequencies of light through your body.

Merkaba Activation 101 leads you through a process of fully activating your Merkaba Vehicle of Light. Your Merkaba is a field of energy that surrounds you and is one with the crystalline lightbody of Mother Earth and the cosmos. It is a vehicle of ascension.Learn how to live within your activated Merkaba Vehicle in service to the healing work you are here to fulfill on Earth.

Integrative Spiritual Therapy 101

7 Weeks

Learn how to use evidence-based spiritual methods to bring healing to illness and disease and as preventative treatments. Learn how to use therapeutic intuitive practices. An in-depth opportunity to work with others and on yourself.

Work with elemental spirits, essential oils, sound and hypnosis to open the senses and develop finer perception. Learn about how to open your intuitive awareness up to begin to work with auras, subtle bodies and meridians. Learn how to open your intuitive awareness to communicating with the realm of animal spirits through guided neo-shamanic journeys.

This course is designed to help you both understand and experience the essential practices and principles at the core of Spiritual Therapy.

Integrative Spiritual Therapy 102

8 Weeks

A comprehensive and practical overview of current spiritual healing techniques and applications. Learn how to use evidence-based methods including color therapy, grids, and advanced energy healing and hypnosis methods. 

Receive step-by-step training in how to create your own spiritual healing treatments utilizing advanced chakra healing methods and techniques, hypnosis, guided meditation and mantra. Through the wisdom of indigenous shamans and healers, learn how to create sacred space for all of your healing treatments.

Integrative Crystal Therapy 101

8 Weeks

An immersive course designed to introduce you to how to use effectively integrate crystals and minerals in the holistic healing process. This course provides a deep dive into the world of crystal energy, exploring how different crystals interact with the body’s energy fields to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Learn about the unique properties of various crystals, their historical uses, and practical methods for integrating them into your healing practice or personal wellness routine.

Develop your intuitive mind and relationship with crystals. Learn specific crystal healing practices & create a strong foundation for a lifelong practice of crystal healing therapy. Learn how to use the evidence-based method of color therapy to bring healing to imbalances in the body, mind and energy field.

Integrative Crystal Therapy 102

8 Weeks

An introduction to using hypnosis and guided meditation with crystal healing techniques as preventative treatments and to bring healing to illness and disease. 

Throughout the course, participants will gain hands-on experience with crystal selection, cleansing, and placement techniques.

An introduction to advanced crystal grid work. Learn how to use gem elixirs, essential oils and plant medicine to with the seven major chakras to bring physical, mental and emotional healing. Interactive workshops and guided exercises will empower you to develop a personalized approach to crystal healing, helping you harness the full potential of these ancient tools.

Integrative Energy Healing 101

8 Weeks

An introduction to major energy body & healing systems. Learn how to weave together energy healing modalities within a therapeutic care plan.

Learn and practice using Integrative Energy Healing blueprints and templates to bring healing to illness and disease and as preventative treatments. In depth opportunity to work with others and on yourself. 

Integrative Energy Healing 102: Practicum Preparation

8 Weeks

Learn current evidence-based energy healing techniques and applications. Learn and practice using evidence-based methods including color therapy, grids, and advanced energy healing and hypnosis methods. 

Train in how to create your own transcendent energy therapy treatments utilizing advanced chakra healing methods and techniques, hypnosis, guided meditation and mantra. Through the wisdom of indigenous shamans and healers, practice the creation of sacred space for all of your healing treatments.

Transpersonal Psychology 101

8 Weeks

A comprehensive introduction to transpersonal psychology. Learn how to use transpersonal psychology as a lens through which to develop language to describe your practice.

Learn empirical, scientific research and treatment methods that address an individual’s needs and values through the exploration of consciousness. Learn about therapies that treat the subtle energy field including transpersonal methods such as somatic therapies, Jungian psychology, archetypal psychology, liberation psychology and holotropic breathwork.

Applied Transpersonal Research 101

8 Weeks

Demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of crystal healing practices by creatively building a scientific evidence base about crystal healing as a complementary alternative medicine and therapy.

Practice quantitatively and qualitatively defining healing experiences involving the subtle energy field through scientific methods. Practice transpersonal research methods and participate in a guided research study. Plan, create and execute a simple research study and plan for your practicum.

Holistic Business Practicum & YLAB

The Holistic Business Practicum is included in your tuition and takes place in the last six months of your program. In the practicum you are led through a process to build and implement a project or business. The practicum provides you with accountability, you meet with a mentor every two weeks and you are provided with a series of templates and blueprints to use to bring your vision into physical form.

Building your dream is easier when you have the support of others who have done something similar. The YLAB is an online center of mentors and resources to support you AFTER your graduate in your day-to-day business operations.  From strategy to technology, to communication & marketing, to accounting we provide you with ongoing workshops and professional development & training in systems that are currently used in successful businesses in the field of holistic health.

PILLAR I: Foundations of Transcendent Business Practices

Business and marketing systems, marketing materials, time and energy management.

PILLAR II: Healing & Coaching Practicum

Lead clients through a six month healing or coaching program. 

PILLAR III: Teaching & Speaking Practicum

Tools and practical skills to teach and speak locally or online in mainstream environments.

PILLAR IV: Writing & Publishing Research

An introduction to the field of scientific research, publishing journal articles, ebooks and print books.

Read a full overview of Holistic Business Practicum >