DNA Activation & Attunement Research Study: Part I

Aimee Rebekah Shea, CHT

DNA Activation & Attunement Research Study: Part I

This is the first of a seven-part research study on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual effects of DNA Activation & Attunement in our practice. From February 2020 to August 2020, inside of Indigo Clinics we collected data on 145 DNA Activations Attunements. We have analyzed the first set of results here. 

Pleiadian Institute, School of Energy Healing


ABSTRACT: DNA Activations & Attunements that integrate energy healing, meditation, hypnosis, breathwork and creative visualization have great potential for healing. We have witnessed multiple spontaneous experiences of complete healing with our clients. This seven-part research study is our first attempt to begin to collect data on the transformational healing that we have collectively witnessed. All participants in this study will experience 145 DNA Activations & Attunements total. The data in this first part of the study was collected between February 20, 2020 and August 6, 2020.

The DNA Activations and Attunements process takes place over 10 in-person DNA Activations & Attunements as distance telehealth treatments. Participants are led through a 6 week preparation period, then met with a practitioner for in-person DNA Activations & Attunements via ZOOM Video Conference. Participants were provided with a recording after the Attunement by the practitioner to help with the integration of the light into their bodies and minds.

In between the in-person attunements, participants follow a daily calendar and take place in hypnotic multidimensional energy healing experiences to support the awakening of their lightbody. Participants are also led through a Chakra Healing Activation & Attunement series, which you will find more information on in a later part of this research study.

The data collected in the first part of this study is from participants that completed the 6 weeks of preparation and the first Attunement. The next stage in our research will be Attunements II & III, then IV & V and the final stage will include Attunements VI, VII, VIII IX, & X. It is important then to note the data presented here is representative of participants in the first 10 weeks of the DNA Activation & Attunement Process. The entire process is 40 weeks; this research represents 25% of the total journey.

THE FINDINGS: After reviewing the data, it is clear there are several consistent patterns. Most apparent are the data points that we have collected on physical, mental and emotional experiences and food, water, substances and sleep. The most common feeling reported was healing at 95.8% and challenging at 91.3%. The experiences are almost equally as challenging as they are healing, but slightly more healing. The majority of participants needed more sleep, more water, and less food.

The personal reflection from the participants weave a powerful story of transformation. All experienced a profound transformation in different ways as a result of this work. If you read through the words of the participants, you hear this transformation. It is not without struggle, and it is not always clear what is happening, but there is a regular experience of healing, lightness, of strength in the light, and of comfort.

LIMITATIONS: This case study has limitations that must be considered when analyzing the results. Our original intention was only to include participants who experienced at least the first attunement in our feedback below. However, enrollment was high, participation was low. The number of enrolled participants was much higher than the number of participants who completed the first attunement, which takes place at week 6. Less than 50% of participants that began the program completed the first attunement at week 6.

CONCLUSIONS: In the next stage of this case study, we have created several changes to support more follow through and deeper healing with our participants. DNA Activations & Attunements will move from a 1 on 1 format to a small group attunement session. Each session will last 3 hours and each participant will experience both the power of the healing synergy of the group and a personal message from the practitioner.

Treatment Check-Ins will be discontinued for DNA Activations & Attunements, instead, there will be monthly DNA Activation & Attunement Treatment Group that each participant can attend. An assistant clinical director will be assigned to each participant and will check in regularly with participants that miss scheduled appointments or stopped participating through providing regular email support.

charts and graphs that describe what we measured and read through the words of the participants.


Most participants described their experience as healing, mentally and emotionally challenging and motivating.  Mental & emotional healing was the most reported positive result at 55.8% and mental and emotional challenges was the second most reported result at 51.2%.


Most participants needed extra water and sleep.  Most participants needed less food and had the same level of dreams. Vivid dreams were reported by 33.7% of participants.

Real people. Real stories.

The best way to understand research is to read through not just the summary, but the raw data. Here you will find that. This raw data includes 31 real responses that came from our participants over the past 6 months as they moved through the DNA Activation & Attunement process. Out of 86 responses, 18.6%, or 16 times, participants asked that we not share their results.

Out of 70 eligible responses, 29 responses were about the Chakra Healing Activations and Attunements, which were withheld for this part of the study. 10 responses were withheld from the first week of healing for each participant. There were 31 responses remaining that were about the DNA Activations & Attunements that you will find here. The Chakra Healing Activations & Attunement data will be reported in the second part of this case study.

I began this week- having to begin again after some time away to reflect on the effect of COVID-19 and the world as we are influenced by this pandemic. I realized I have sooo much stuck energy. so much boggled up and pushed aside that I’m unsure of what direction to take. I am thankful that I’m provided a process, with structure to help guide me through this chaos. I feel lighter and more stable after really settling with my emotions around the root chakra. bearing down on where I stand in life, is tough. it’s even more shaken when the world is brewing deeply. I have found a small amount of budding peace from my meditation practice.


August 6, 2020

My dreams this week were really vibrant. I found myself holding specific meridian points in my dream and would wake up and feel energy at those points. I did feel the need to drink more water, especially since it was several kidney points that were being worked on in my dreams. In another dream they showed me how energy can be tuned like a guitar and plucked in certain ways to vibrate it in healing tones. I got a lot of support intuitively that I am ready to move to the next level of connection with my higher self. I have had many a-ha moments and in those moments really feeling the space inside they are coming from.


July 26, 2020

This week, I cried a couple of times during intense cycling workouts. I’ve been doing my workouts right after completing my meditations this week. The first time I cried was on Tuesday, the second time was on Saturday, but I didn’t’ do a workout right after a meditation on Saturday. Anyway, this week has been interesting because a lot is changing in my personal and professional life and I’m just taking everything day by day, trying to stay grounded. What I found amazing is that when crying, there wasn’t anything specifically that triggered the crying. It was just like I’d feel all of my emotions at once: angry, sad, motivated, scared, unsure, proud…all the things. Instead of trying to figure it out, I just leaned into it. I guess if anything I’m happy that I’m giving my body a chance to release even if subconscious.


July 26, 2020

It’s been brought to my attention that I have trouble letting go. I never considered this before, but I think it’s accurate. Specifically letting go of people. I hold on even though I know I’m not 100% happy and give myself reasons to stay. I need to work through this. I think this also comes from a place of fear, that I will never find something or someone better than what I have. I’ve been really focused on becoming disciplined in my routine. It’s been challenging because a big part of maintaining a healthy routine is going to bed / waking up on time. Sometimes I work late so it’s been most difficult to go to be at a decent time. But I think I made progress. I saw a significant difference in how I was feeling this week compared to last week now that I made some important changes to my morning routine – making the first hour for me vs. taking out the dog or turning on the news. I’m really looking forward and feeling motivated to keep this up. 


July 14 + 19, 2020

As much as I wanted to stay awake during my DNA A&A II session with Aimee, I still fell asleep almost immediately & awoke when the speaking on the recording stopped. While laying there still asleep, all of a sudden I saw a bright golden light flash, followed by a couple of more smaller flashes of light, kind of like fireworks. The next day I felt like a million dollars – all of the unease, restlessness, & mild depression that I was feeling since my last attunement had lifted & I feel so alive! Also during the week I was able to stay awake longer in the beginning & experienced more of the ending of the DNA A&A II meditation – this time I woke to where we’re to be working on the knee chakras & I could feel the golden white light release stuck emotions & memories & today my knees feel great. I’ve been using different methods to try to heal my knees as I’ve had knee pain for as far back as a teen & it’ll be great if this removal is permanent. I’ll keep an eye on it to see if it is


July 5, 2020

DNA A&A II was marvelous. During the 90-min healing session, I got the rhythm of the breathing down so it naturally took its course up through crown chakra, down to perineum center, up the spine and out the hand chakras. Ahhhhhh. I slipped into a trance-like state for much of the session, and got a trampoline/bounce feeling as if I were floating upward, dancing through the air and then rebounding when I got back down to earth. So beautiful. Also retained the floaty, happy feeling throughout the weekend, feeling love and gratitude as I moved through my day. The overall theme of the week was one of RELEASE and being in the flow.


Jun 14, 2020

First activation brought up many suppressed emotions for those around me. It was difficult to navigate through but I did my best to stay calm and grounded during these experiences. The activation itself was wonderful and full of energy and heavy/intense visceral vibrations. I connected with a crystal of mine on an entirely new level. It was absolutely magnificent!


June 3, 2020

When I asked “What do I need most right now?” the immediate answer was EASE. I found it all week. It definitely came during the Gaia enchanted forest visualizations, continued through my day into my work, and manifested as several small canvas artwork pieces that I’ve been creating during this journey of my soul. The most profound experience of the week was definitely my Friday massage. As my massage therapist was hitting specific areas of my body (like the back areas where the violet flame visualization said to imagine a pool of liquid golden light), I had visions of color swirls being released. This happened in my back, my legs, my shoulders, neck – back and front of body, with different colors in each area. It was a magical and exciting experience that left me feeling rejuvenated and renewed.


May 31, 2020

Just completed the Neo-Shamanic Journey to meet with the consciousness of Gaia and my guardian angel. This is the first time I actually sat down with my journal after doing a meditation. I felt grounded more securely this time around. I asked for messages fromv the elements and received a response saying to connect with them more often.


May 25, 2020

More inner child work is coming up. My inner child has so much trapped stagnant energy in my root chakra. It has been challenging to release but profound when I find myself fully embodying and merging with my higher self. Life seems more beautiful, mellow, I feel energized and woke up early to go practice yoga outside while the sun was rising. Feeling for grounded and connected with mother earth. I really started to connect the dots with projections that have to do with my inner child. I allowed myself to open up and release heavy emotions that have be suppressed for a long time now. It was challenging to surrender to vulnerability but after doing so I felt so much lighter. The weight of sadness, grief and guilt is so unbelievably heavy, I hadn’t realized the weight until it was lifted from me. I feel as if more light is now able to penetrate deeper within.


May 16 + 24, 2020

Bounce. The image of the trampoline stuck with me throughout the entire DNA A&A, and it ended up being one of the four joyful pieces of art that came out of the experience. The bounce aligned with my intention: Let Go and Rise – and it was perfect. I fell asleep during the last 30 minutes or so of the 90 minutes, but awoke refreshed, calm, cleansed and at peace. I felt solid but not heavy. Grounded. I also had that very sharp vision where every detail in the world around me is crystal clear and magical. I’ve had this sensation before, typically after spiritual healing or cleansing. It’s a beautiful place to be! As mentioned in the discussion, I had visions of specific things being let go during the shoulder part. And my giant rose, which had previously been light purple, was a pure snow white.


May 17, 2020

During my violet flame meditation, I could feel my hands tingling. I changed my meditation space today. I sat in a recliner chair, my favorite yellow chair, in a purple robe as I basked in the morning sunlight. I heeded to Aimee’s advice of using the morning and evening light as a source of charging to prepare my body for what is to come. I’m learning how sensitive I am to light and I notice an extreme difference when I am not in a well lit (sunny) atmosphere. (I really think this is just my LEO energy though lol). After my coaching session with Aimee, I immediately cleaned off my desk, grabbed a lamp, placed it on my desk with a few of my crystals. I then wrote on a flash card, “Have patience with yourself as you work towards your numerous goals.” I need this reminder. I work on so much personally and professionally, and I need this to anchor me. I ended my meditation by thinking of one thing I wanted to happen today, and that is for an agent/manager to reach out to me. I will hold onto this thought with positivity for the remainder of the day.


May 7, 2020

This entire week was filled with intense imagery and sensations, with the most intense coming on day 6 during the DNA A&AI. It was the most profound release I have yet experienced, and it was absolutely amazing. All the thoughts/beliefs that I have been working on letting go for months, if not years, were stirred up and pulled out like weeds. I saw and felt them rushing up and out of me, with the words all being dissolved in the violet flame. Incredible. Intense. Freeing. The session left me extremely lightheaded (in a good way) and in a blazing good mood throughout the entire day (and beyond). So excited to have had such an intense experience, and definitely looking forward to even more release, purification and enlightenment.


May 7, 2020

Consistency is the key. This was the theme that came to my mind as I was going through this portal. I notice that when I am diligent with my meditations I feel more stimulated, like I am beginning to sense a more awareness of myself and my emotions. The one thing that has been really difficult for me is acceptance of the healing. I have struggled with self-hate for as long as I can remember. I know this work has to do with Love and forgiveness for others and myself. I know in my heart that I must first learn to love and forgive myself before I can truly become a master being of love and light. The healings help with reminding me of that, but it is still a monumental task at this point to love myself.


May 5, 2020

An experience that emerged this week would be this healing presence lingering in my subconsciousness. I felt held and complete various times this week.


May 2, 2020

During the second Gaia meditation this week, I ran into a guardian angel I wasn’t expecting. It was my cousin Carly, who died about 20 years ago. I was only 5 and she was 8. This was so surprising to me because I haven’t thought much about her since she died (because I was so young when it happened, I didn’t really grasp it, nor do I remember much about her, even though we were quite close when she was alive). But all of a sudden, she was there in the forest with me, and I was flooded with all these memories of us as kids that I haven’t recalled in years. She came to me as she would be today, a beautiful 28 year old woman, and I felt so at home and at peace immediately, like being in the presence of an older sister, which I always saw her as before she died. I got very emotional and began crying, and she gave me a huge a hug while I cried into her shoulder. She told me that she’s been watching over me all these years and that she’s extremely proud of the woman I’ve become and the work I’m doing. She said she knows that it’s difficult and frustrating sometimes, but that I just need to have patience and trust in myself. It’ll all be worth it in the end,


April 27, 2020

During the Consciousness of Gaia Meditation this week, I received messages from all four elements. They are as follows:

Fire- Continue to fight for both yourself and others when you or they are wronged. Speak your truth, no matter what, even if it may hurt another. Your words are important.

Air- Adapt to the changes around you and the situations you find yourself in, but don’t negotiate on your goals and dreams.

Earth- Focus. Let go of what is not for you. Always be kind and helpful to others, but not at the expense of your well-being. Know what is best for you..

Water- Be fluid. Don’t be afraid to change, be open to it. That’s when your dreams will manifest.


April 27, 2020

The theme that emerged was letting go – namely of my financial obsession. Or at least that was my intention. My first day with violet flame, Monday, I ended up flooded with despair at the end of the visualization. I felt like I was reaching reaching reaching and never satisfied, and hitting a brick wall so hard I created artwork depicting a bloody hand print. BUT! a third stage of emotions arrived, along with a knowing in my soul. It said “you are loved, you are safe, you are secure.” Wow. My heart and soul know it. Now my head just has to fall into line!


April 25, 2020

I love creating the connection with Mother Earth Gaia. I felt very held and nurtured this week, especially right after the attunement of last week. It was as if this week was just so nourishing. I took my crystals outside for a full moon bath and laid them in a grid to support Mother Earth Gaia as the moon cleansed them. Then when I brought them back inside my house, I created another crystal grid for her and I have been sending her extra healing energy all week. I have also spent extra time out in my garden with the intention of connecting with her. This week was very relaxing and rejuvenating. So refreshing.


April 19, 2020

The recording that Aimee sent me about the attunement was absolutely beautiful! Every single aspect of it resonated so deeply. There were 2 specific parts of it that I took literally and applied them into my daily life immediately. The first one was that the Archangel gave me a sea shell filled will gems. I actually filled an abalone shell with a bunch of crystals and I now use it daily as part of my meditation practice. I see each of the crystals in the shell as my spiritual gifts and abundance in my reality. Also there was mention about a cave full of crystals but there were all covered in dirt. I actually live in a basement apartment and I have a ton of beautiful crystals in my collection. Until I heard the recording, I had not enjoyed living in the basement…I desired to live above ground and I thought negatively about where I was living. The cave was perfect! As soon as I heard that, I cleaned every corner of my physical space, rearranged all the furniture, took all of my crystals outside for a full moon bath (they are now super sparkley) and then brought them in the next morning and reorganized them, and dimmed all the lights and lit candles and played beautiful music. I actually created a “cave” sanctuary for my soul and I have completely re-framed the way I view my living space. I am so in love with it!!!


April 9, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed working with the violet flame this week. I decided to mediate in my living room instead of at my altar. I notice that when I sit on the floor in the lotus position, both of my legs fall asleep. It’s not a pleasant experience, so I decided to move to the rocking chair in my living room to meditate. I felt the effects of this meditation more strongly than the chakra meditations from the previous week. I called down the flames through my transpersonal chakra and felt this tingling sensation envelope my body. It was a pleasant sensation, like my body and mind were being purged and cleansed of all that was weighing me down. After a few days, I began targeting my root chakra and focused my attention on clearing this part of my energetic body.


April 19, 2020

The Gaia Meditation was challenging for me. I don’t know why, but it wasn’t resonating with me this week. I had a very hard time focusing on everything this week. I think it’s partially or maybe all related to the COVID situation.


April 18, 2020

The first live DNA Activation and Attunement was completely life-changing for me. Since it ended, I have felt so much more connected to my spirit guides and other light beings. I recognize and sense messages from them much more and clearer than I ever did before. I also feel like I myself am vibrating t a higher frequency with a deeper level of consciousness. This DNA Activation & Attunement was the first time I think I’ve gone into a hypnotic-like trance while meditating. I was still aware of the meditation and my physical body, but my mind was thoughtless. I was just in the here and now. This is huge for me because I’ve been having quite a hard time turning my thoughts off lately, and it was my intention going into this week to be completely conscious.


April 17, 2020

Something that started to happen this week was more skin sensory experiences as I did the meditations. I also noticed that sometimes when I go into myself in meditation, I can see the inside of my body, as if I am a small part of my brain within my skull. It has been very interesting.


April 11, 2020

A meaningful experience I had this week was being reminded of my pendulum and having a new way of moving forward in life revealed to me. I tend to “make things happen” rather than trust and allow things to happen. The week prior to this was the greatest moment of surrender that I have ever opened myself up to consciously. I want to be able to really trust the divine’s guidance and to be able to listen to my intuition. Using my pendulum as a way to stop, pause and listen will be so much fun. I could sense beings around me all week. I am not usually connected to spirits or spirit guides but this week I could really sense them. I desire to strengthen this connection deeper and to open direct lines of communication to them. I do notice a bit of fear arise when I can sense the energy presence, so that will be something that I work through. I think I am afraid of seeing something and not knowing how to react or what to do. Just a lack of experience.


April 11, 2020

The theme this week was purging a lot of negativity from the relationship with my mom. We fought several times this week and each one became more vicious. However, I did find myself becoming more and more aware of the triggers and patterns that were underlying this conflict. These patterns and triggers have been active since I was a young girl. My mom and I never had a good relationship. I have done a bunch of healing work since and we have definitely become closer. I was surprised at how explosive these events were…but it makes sense that for them to be purged, I would need to see the root and depth of them. If it had of just been a quick argument or disagreement, I don’t believe I would have uncovered all the gems from the experience. It was so magical to visualize the violet flame and have all the negativity from our relationship burned up inside of it. I look forward to what happens between us in the near future.


April 1, 2020

This week is challenging for me as we are in the middle of the COVID crisis. So nothing is ‘normal,’ though is anything ever truly ‘normal?’ I notice a theme that when I have a deep healing meditation, I always end up with lung congestion. I don’t know if this is my heart chakra clearing a little more each time, or something else. I had other symptoms this week of what one of my friends used to call ‘ascension sickness’ where I’m a bit dizzy and lightheaded, feeling kind of like my head’s not entirely attached to my body. Another thing I found myself doing in tandem with the studies and meditations was listening to audio books – two in a row about consciousness. There is probably a message in there somewhere. the first was Deepak Chopra – Meta Human, and the second was The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani. There are quite a few parallels in them. I liked that Vishen refers to transcendent practices, it made me think of a lot of the course work at Pleiadian institute as well.


April 1, 2020

This week is challenging for me as we are in the middle of the COVID crisis. So nothing is ‘normal,’ though is anything ever truly ‘normal?’ I notice a theme that when I have a deep healing meditation, I always end up with lung congestion. I don’t know if this is my heart chakra clearing a little more each time, or something else. I had other symptoms this week of what one of my friends used to call ‘ascension sickness’ where I’m a bit dizzy and lightheaded, feeling kind of like my head’s not entirely attached to my body. Another thing I found myself doing in tandem with the studies and meditations was listening to audio books – two in a row about consciousness. There is probably a message in there somewhere. the first was Deepak Chopra – Meta Human, and the second was The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani. There are quite a few parallels in them. I liked that Vishen refers to transcendent practices, it made me think of a lot of the course work at Pleiadian institute as well.


April 1, 2020

I was very focused on the breathing. I am feeling more and more at home with the light moving through my body. I received my crystals yesterday and decided to hold the 3 rainbow moonstones in my left hand and the rose quartz in my right hand. Since this was my first attunement, I could tell my mind wouldn’t let go all the way. The urge to analyze and make sure I was getting it right was strong. I observed that and accepted it as best I could with drawing my attention back to the breath. Some of the inhales into my crown chakra feel like I was rising into my third eye which is very bright with white light. Then it fades back down with the exhale. This feeling of rising into the third eye and white light is very comforting. It feels like a place I never want to leave. I say third eye because I can feel a physical sensation behind my forehead. After the 45 minute guided meditation, I sat with some Binaural beats for 40 minutes. The last 10 minutes, I spent in silence. The binaural beats are a great way to connect in my other meditation practices, but they felt heavy and unnecessary during this time after the attunement. Next time, I will sit for the entire 45 minutes in silence. My other run throughs of the Chakra healing and DNA A&A were average. I actually missed one of the DNA A&A’s because I wasn’t feeling it that day. All week I was battling mental issues with food. I was disappointed with myself for not doing the proper fast for the in person treatment. Consuming toxic, “convenient” food during this Covid 19 crisis had me feeling very heavy all week. I could feel my breathing in the treatments being more labored. However, I realize now that I was supposed to go through that heaviness to gain a new mindset. This week I am energized and motivated to flush my system of the toxic food. In addition to the weekly meditation schedule, I am excited to impliment some new breathwork by Marcel Hof recommended by Aimee.


March 30, 2020

I achieved a new level of connection today. My breath went very deep to the point where I felt as if I was going somewhere else outside my body. During the first inkling of this deeper connection, I experienced a subconscious knee jerk reaction to step back from the connection because it was so strong. This is how I know I was pushing a new boundary. I stayed with it. Very encouraging! Master Guide: Deep connection with breath continued. I hugged my guide. I couldn’t make out any advice or message. The gift in my hand at the end was very abstract and I couldn’t make out what it meant. I saw black ink in my hand in the image of an abstract contemporary piece of art. I asked what it meant, but couldn’t feel a response. I did get a name of my guide. SONAS


March 22, 2020

I was very pleased with my progression of the violet flame meditation. I started out having a hard time visualizing the rose and flame. It was fuzzy and hard to hold. The transition of low vibrational feelings into the rose was also difficult. What really helped me here was to see the word falling between the pedals. My intuition in the moment of these feelings coming up felt much sharper by the end of the week. A lot of times, I will just mentally bring up a sensation from something bothering me that day. Being able to intuit feelings on the spot feels like a much deeper healing. The DNA A & A was a little rough in the beginning as I struggled to turn off the chatter. Conscious breathing brought me right into the zone. I felt the energy and light moving though my body for the first time. It felt like deep meditation was about to come on. The visualization shifted to the shoulder healing and I decided to move with it. I released fear, resistance, self judgement, self doubt, and resistance to receiving my true power. The last one came up all of the sudden. Very exciting!


March 9, 2020

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