The Game Masters

Aimee Rebekah Shea, CHT

The Game Masters

“When Game Masters create a particular blueprint for a civilization, it has many versions of itself, expressed in many realities. Part of the their task is to juggle all of these realities at once & to learn from every single version of that blueprint. So, when they create a blueprint, the blueprint is not simply anchored into one realm. It is anchored into many realms.”

- Barbara Marciniak

The Pleiades is the brightest star cluster in our sky. The Pleiadians are a consciousness that emanate from the Pleiades that is formless. The Pleiadians are mistakenly labeled at times and connected to 'aliens'. However, this label leads to misunderstanding.

The Pleiadian Consciousness is of the Christ Light. The Christ Light is at the center of our cosmos and at the center of all celestial bodies in our skies. In the Light of Christ we are united in love.

When you align with the Pleiadian consciousness it feels warm and full of truth and love.
The Pleiadian consciousness is like a loving divine guide, while connecting with them you feel confident in your strengths, loved and completely supported. The Pleiadian consciousness helps you to become more aware of the light. They help us to align with the seven sacred Rays of light and to embody the qualities of this light for healing. This light is as bright as the light from the brightest cluster of stars in the sky. This light is both here for you and within you; you are here on earth to radiate this light!

This first blog post is an except from the book, Pleiadian Crystalline Messages, that will be available to the public in the Fall of 2024! This book has come together and asked me to write it. I did not plan on writing this book. Although the Pleiadians have a huge presence in my life, I have a full teaching schedule and other topics that I prioritize writing about. However, I trust in the present moment and follow the guidance I receive. 

The book includes my reflections from the past ten years of my DNA Activation and Attunement energy healing work. It has been inspired by my work embodying the crystalline light of the Rays as I was initiated as priestess of the Melchizedek Order in 2021. My hope is that this knowledge and loving divine guidance provides you with the same comfort, support and confidence it has provided me with. I am a student of the light, and a teacher of sacred wisdom. The Pleiadians have helped me to step into the power of my presence. They continue to guide me into my remembrance of my essential nature as a multidimensional being of love and light.

I was always taught that as we know better, we do better. 

I have learned, practiced and now teach the DNA Activation & Attunement process. This process that was channelled through a master teacher and priestess that works with the Pleiadian consciousness. It includes breathing healing light through our bodies and visualization repetitively sacred geometric forms within sacred chambers of light that you enter through a vortex of sound, hypnosis, energy healing and meditation. 

Over time this process raises our vibration so that our cells begin to 'know better' and we effortlessly find ourselves 'doing better'.

Here is the excerpt from the first chapter:

Who are the Pleiadians?

The Pleiadians are the name of the collective consciousness that radiates through the Pleiades star cluster centered around the star Alcyone. They are here to support humanity in healing through our breath and through attention to the light. They are present to help us design our New Earth and to assist with our personal & collective ascension.  

The Pleiadians are without form, they take the form that you are able to see them within, and can take any form.

The Pleiadians emanate unconditional love, joy and peace. They both exist within and transcend our third dimensional awareness of light, sound & geometry.

The consciousness of the Pleiadians has been present on Earth since the beginning of time. They create entire blueprints for civilizations of light & then through portals they work with human consciousness to bring cultures of light into form on the Earth plane.

“The Pleiadians have been called the Game Masters. Their consciousness is present to help us redesign our New Earth & to help us re-calibrate our own minds as we move through our personal & collective ascension. The Game Masters are unbounded, formless, shapeshifters. They can take any form they choose, for they move between and beyond sound & geometry."- Barbara Marciniak

The core of the Pleiadians message and energetic purpose begins with an acceptance that we are all Master Beings of Love and Light. You are divine perfection at your core, innocent in truth; this is how you were born, and how you remain as long as you maintain your focus upon the light.

Only through believing that mistakes, sickness, injury or illness are the true realities do we separate ourselves from this ultimate truth.

We are all one, emanating from the same universal source of love and light.
Our souls develop so that we can remember how each unique passion, gift & desire is a facet of love reflecting light. This is a time of intense transformation. During this time, the earth’s electro-magnetic field is shifting. 

The Pleiadians are a loving presence and larger then life beings of light, their energy works through our lives in many different ways everyday.

Aligning with the Pleiadian consciousness helps you to experience a sustained awareness of the unity of all manifestations on Earth within the consciousness of love.

They help you return to the pure consciousness of love and help you to use it to heal, strengthen and protect yourself. They are present in energetic form here on earth and in even greater presence at the earth portals. They work with and within the crystalline grid through holographic light frequencies at earth portals to help to bring higher dimensional energy into the earth. 

It only takes an awareness and continued connection to their energy to receive their loving guidance.  The Pleiadians emanate from a dimension that has a more fluid experience of time. It is the future, although it exists also in the present and is one with the past.

Collectively the Pleiadian’s provide courage, strength, compassion, love, enlightenment, spiritual nourishment, knowledge and wisdom. They support you in opening your human heart and healing.  They appear to humans as light colored beings that are larger than life. They emanate pure love and pure light in a kaleidoscope of energetic frequencies.

Messages of the Pleiadians

Alignment with the light & consciousness of the Pleiadians helps you to maintain an open heart and brings peace into the cells of your body.

Their message is:

You are creating in the now. Choose to place your attention in the now; on all that you desire. Do this with a mind open to infinite possibilities in continuous dwelling on gratitude for all that you have. Treat yourself with compassion and love and stay focused on the presence of mastery and greatness that lives within you. From this place, wisdom flows and you become one with your highest self.

There is a spiritual perfection, it’s source is within you that has always been.  As you remember your truth as a Master Being of Love and Light you see beyond the illusions of the world. Your pure focus on the light within you feeds you.

Your sustained focus upon the light nurturers you and protects you and Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants.

Trust & follow the feelings of love, peace, harmony and well-being that you feel, it is a sign that you are healing. 

We provide loving support to reach the calling of your highest self. We remind you to nurture yourself for the time is near when your strength will be needed like no other time in history. We are here to remind you of the wisdom of the light that lies within. This wisdom comes from lifetimes past; but today its power is here for you to tap into.

We transmit sacred knowledge telepathically with healers, teachers and leaders of the light to guide you into alignment with your highest and fullest life purpose.  The telepathic frequencies appear as patterns and shapes, information, teachings, or through other star children. We are here to help you remember the divine knowledge you have once known.

As you look past the seeming imperfections and dwell on the perfection present in all experiences, you experience a freedom born from the truth; that only love is real.

You Master the Game when you live this truth.

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