The Treasure of our DNA & the Wisdom of our Epigenome: Healing in the Vortex

Aimee Rebekah Shea, CHT

The Treasure of our DNA & the Wisdom of our Epigenome: Healing in the Vortex

Since I started my energy healing practice almost 20 years ago, I have been trained in and experienced many different forms of energy healing. NOTHING has demonstrated sustained results and transformation like DNA Activation & Attunement. It took a lot of courage for me to commit to developing this program because it is not a modality that has widespread awareness. Everyone that has gone through this program so far has been called to it, they have had independent intuitive experiences that have led them to us.

This is how I found this modality, I was intuitively led. I absolutely feel that those of us who are training in this modality now are building a bridge for others to follow.

DNA Activation & Attunement is a modality that integrates breathwork, energy healing, meditation and hypnosis. It guides you into a full activation of your DNA and a full activation of your Merkaba field of light, which is a field that surrounds your auric field and expands at least 50 feet around you.

In our program, you are also introduced to epigenetics, this is the scientific foundation that helps you understand how this process works so effectively.

Epigenetics is a field of science that studies the epigenome and how it affects cellular activity and response in your body. Your epigenome is a sheath that surrounds each of your cells. Epigenetics tells us that the epigenome impacts cellular expression. Your environment turns on and off 'switches' in your epigenome that control the way your cells behave.

Trauma and situations in your external environment - like exposure to toxins and stress - leaves epigenetic markers on your cells that can inhibit their function and keep your body from healing. These epigenetic markers act like 'switches' that can turn on patterns of disease in your cells. To change genetic expression you have to be exposed to healing environments and activities. Research shows us that sustained participation in activities like meditation and energy healing can actually 'turn off' epigenetic switches that lead to disease and 'turn on' a healing response.

The Vortex

When you consciously program your epigenome through activities that stimulate healing, like breathwork, meditation and energy healing - this creates a vortex of energy that 'flips a switch' which changes cellular expression in your body.

Cells have everything they need within them to repair themselves, make new cells and eliminate free radicals in the body. Strands of DNA are within each of your cells, and it is the DNA that instructs all cellular function. When your DNA has the right environment, it instructs 'healing switches' to turn on in your epigenome and your cells work FOR YOUR HEALING.

This is why DNA Activation & Attunement FEELS so good. The process - which includes a daily healing routine of breathwork, meditation and energy healing and 10 in-person Activations and Attunements over 10 months - literally changes the way your cells are functioning. It turns on 'healing switches' within your epigenome that impacts every part of your body and mind. I would describe it like a 'wave of good feelings'. It's like stepping into a waterfall, you feel cleansed, lighter, and refreshed when you come out and you can't point to any one thing you did that made you feel that way - it is everything working together that creates the vortex of healing.

With daily practice, you learn a process that is continuously turning on 'healing switches' in your cells. This becomes a ‘base’ state, and so the healing does not end when the treatment is complete. Though sustained daily practice, the 'healing switches' continue to be 'switched on' and the switches that led to illness and disease 'switched off'.

One of the reasons why this practice is so powerful is because it changes your state not only immediately, but also it provides a process to sustain healing over time.

We only use 1% of our DNA in ways that science can measure, the other 99% of our DNA, which was called ‘junk DNA’ for decades, is now known to influence the 1% of DNA that we can understand.

We now know that what was called 'junk' operates invisibly and shapes all cellular function in our bodies in ways that we cannot directly track through traditional research. What we know as healers is that this DNA is the source of our connection to Spirit. To activate our DNA is to become a living breathing vessel of Spirit.

To me this feels like, when I complete the DNA Activation & Attunement process (which I have done about 15 times since 2013) EVERYTHING feels better. My moods are better, my body feels better, I have more clarity and motivation, I find myself inspired to start and continue healthy habits. Without 'seeing' anything, as I trust the process and follow a daily routine in which I am consciously training my cells through my breath, meditation and energy healing practice - everything in my mind and body feels better.

The Treasure of Your DNA

I invite you to think of the 37 trillion cells you have right now within you, keeping you alive. Within each of those cells is a strand of DNA that is 2 meters long that is instructing your cells in all they do! Now take a moment to ask yourself the following question:

What if my DNA is a treasure?

A treasure that activates my genius,

A treasure that regenerates my cells and organs,

A treasure that heals what ‘man’ has told me is un-healable,

A treasure that brings complete healing from mental illness and disease.

As I have meditated on this question, it has truly changed my life and supported me in diving deeper and deeper and deeper into my practice over the past decade!

DNA Activation & Attunement is taught in all four of our Integrative Healing Programs (Integrative Crystal Healing, Integrative Spiritual Healing, Master Energy Healer and Integrative Hypnosis) and you can register for the program on it's own!

Beyond the training, we are committed to research in the field. We are currently engaged in a research process in our program that tracks the results of each participant throughout the process. It is a beautiful process, and you can listen to a full introduction to it and read a complete overview here.

We are stronger when we work together and it is my deepest belief that as more of us bring our attention to those modalities that are deeply transformative, we can shift attention towards healing for a new generation of humans on Earth!

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